Saturday, February 27, 2010

Man doesn't eat dog...

But he eats his 10,000-euros winning ticket. That too, on a Ryanair flight.

It is for news like this that I live on. 


globalbabble said...

Oh Fu!

Google translate tells me that your comment means: "Oh, I really like your blog".

I hope google translate is not playing evil games with me.

jaimit said...

when you come across wierd stories, the fun many times is to see the google ads that try and do contextual targeting. in the link in question, the google ads shown basis the text ad the fact that i am logging from india are as follows:

Win Rs. 15000 in Cash
Assured Prizes for all participants Download & Install Free Application

Free Stock Charts
100% Free Global Stock Charts Build and Sell Trading Strategies

Searching Hotel in India?
Best Rates on 4000 Hotels in India Over 10000 Hotel Reviews. Book Now!

Does anyone see the fun side here or am I just a hyper marketing brain.
no? the point being the connection between article and ad 2.

Truth fairy said...

Wow... somebody actually pays attention to those ads!!

No, actually I didn't get the connection - is it that lottery and global stock trading both depend on luck?

jaimit said...

Its something like - I understand ad 1 and the connection to cash prizes and the ad 3 and connection to travel. ad two interestingly is trying to catch those people who are reading about scratch cards / winning / winners / prize etc. hence the advertiser must be believing that those who look at paragraphs with those words are likely to be interested in free global stock charts. Those are the traders / punter types or will be easily swayed into buying something that gives quick answers. A chart builder is essentially a punter who doesn’t care about the fundamental about the company but will trade on the market purely by seeing past patterns.
It’s like choosing the lottery ticket number basis the pattern of winning numbers in the past. – ok – that was simplistically put. To get a better idea on what I mean this refer to GS blog
Advertising often gives you an idea of what the company thinks of its target audience. And if the ad keeps showing up then you might believe that its working and hence you might better guess the target group psyche.
i hope now i am making sense.

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